Thursday, February 4, 2010

See The Beautiful Gift i Surprised Her With! Click Here

Ever have one of those bad days when everything seems to go wrong? well she was having one of those. Problems at the office, drama with her family, you know what that's like right? nothing seemed to go right.  We've all had those days, and this one was going to be a whopper of a day for her tho we didn't know it yet.  So i kissed her goodbye and went off  to work.

I got started at my job and the phone keeps ringing, she tells me everything that could go wrong, is going wrong. Giving words of encouragement, i start thinking "what could i do that would delight her and make her day?" so i start thinking and i open my laptop and surf around a bit as idea's hit me. and then there it was...
 Placing the order was quick and easy.  i shut the computer and head home.

Noticing the twinkle in my eyes she asks why i seem so happy "oh no reason" i reply.  (i knew it was coming today) off to work she goes, and i didn't have long to wait.  The bell rings and its here. And it's beautiful. There's nothing better i don't think, than an unexpected gift.  soon i hear the car pulling into the driveway, and i get ready. greeting her, i hand her the gift. "Whats this for?" she asks, "This is for being such a talented, beautiful, wonderful woman, and the love of my life" it seemed all of her problems melted away at that moment, and the only thing that mattered was just us two.  It may have just been me, but i thought her kisses tasted just a little bit sweeter right then.

This piece goes great with black, or any color. Don't want to wait? surprise everyone and order it for yourself